Hello everyone.

5 years has passed and i stopped the year i lost my beloved Dad. He was taken from me on 6th Oct 2018. Since then my life has NOT been the same. He was the one I always referred to on life and i feel lost without him. Well, God actually has His own plan for me.

I will write again. Nearly 2.30am here. Ciao


According to Wikipedia,

Regret is a negative conscious and emotional reaction to personal past acts and behaviors. Regret is often expressed by the term “sorry.” Regret is often a feeling of sadnessshameembarrassmentdepressionannoyance, or guilt, after one acts in a manner and later wishes not to have done so. Regret is distinct from guilt, which is a deeply emotional form of regret — one which may be difficult to comprehend in an objective or conceptual way. In this regard, the concept of regret is subordinate to guilt in terms of its emotional intensity. By comparison, shame typically refers to the social (rather than personal) aspect of guilt or (in minor context) regret as imposed by the society or culture (enforcement of ethicsmorality), which has substantial bearing in matters of (personal and social) honor.

It is also distinct from remorse, which is a more direct and emotional form of regret over a past action that is considered by society to be hurtful, shameful, or violent. Unlike regret, it includes a strong element of desire for apology to others rather than an internal reflection on one’s actions, and may be expressed (sincerely or not) in order to reduce the punishment one receives.

Regret can describe not only the dislike for an action that has been committed, but also, importantly, regret of inaction. Many people find themselves wishing that they had done something in a past situation.


And the best part is…..

According to Psychological point of view, 

“People who suffer from Antisocial personality disorder and Dissocial Personality Disorder are incapable of feeling regret or remorse”


Haha… will share about my regrets later…

Friends and Relationships

Having friends is among the relationships that we have in our life. But some relationships must me made known of its purposes.
For example, if a guy wanna be your friend; then you must determine what type of friend he’ll be. Either, he’ll be your buddy, your hang out friend or he might ask you out for a date etc etc…..
In order for you to determine what type of friend this guy will be, you need to ‘read’ this guy and I cannot teach you how to do it. You must explore it yourself!! haha
However, same goes to a girl friend to be. You must get to know what kind of friend she will be to you.
Based on my experience nowadays, I discover that we do not have manual for all these but we gonna get it anyway based on our experiences through friends and relationships.
So, do not be afraid to explore, to do trial and error. Good or bad life experience is priceless. Believe me.
Enuf said….